What Is the Best Way to Manage Stress?

Stress and anxiety have become a common feeling in 2020. Between the pandemic, politics, racial divides, and riots this year has been a year that will be remembered. Unfortunately, our nation’s best qualities have been diminished or just plain nonexistent throughout the history that has been made. 

When the pandemic started my stress and anxiety became excessively high. At first it started with COVID… no one knew what the illness was, rules and guidelines were changing by the hour and it was just plain scary. Then started the extreme division of our nation for so many different reasons. It didn’t seem like anything ‘good’ was happening in our world, which was also scary. Then on top of all outside factors, everyone was quarantined, and daily routines were turned upside down from grocery shopping and leaving the house to how we worked our everyday 9-5 jobs.

It was mid pandemic that I realized I just could not take anymore stress or anxiety. It was then that I knew I needed to find different ways, pinpoint what was causing my anxiety, and make a change. This was for my own sanity as well as my family’s (who was now around me 24/7 in such a different way than before).

For me, I utilized several strategies, some, that I will discuss below; however, the biggest saving grace was exercise and podcasts. Working from home was not new for me but it was new to have zero personal space during or after my workday where I previously may have had a few minutes. 

Suddenly, mentally, I felt like I was pulled in a million directions. I was taking on my own stress and anxiety and then it became clear that I had a habit of taking on my family’s stress and anxiety too!  Guess what I’ve found out? Carrying other people’s stress on top of your own is not healthy. I knew I needed to stop doing that or I would end up breaking and would not be useful to anyone. 

One of the biggest suggestions I can give you in dealing with stress and anxiety is, figure out what is causing it. Pinpoint where it’s coming from so you can lessen the interaction with whatever it is- whether it’s a person, place, or thing.

With the holidays uponus, the pandemic that doesn’t seem to be ending, and our nation that seems to remain in division, I wanted to share some things that may help you alleviate stress:

Twitter, Facebook, Together
Limit social media

Social media can be the best thing and it can be the worst. If you are finding that your stress or anxiety increases after viewing social media- limit your time or in fact completely take a break from social media, all together. Eliminating social media in your life, even for a brief period, can be a very liberating feeling.

If you are finding when utilizing social media, that a certain person or group is one reason you are feeling an increase of unsettled feeling, unfollow that person or group. If you are concerned about feeling bad for unfollowing someone, well… you need to put your own well being first. If someone confronts you for ‘unfollowing’ them on social media, I would assume they need to find a better hobby than keeping track of their followers. Just a thought… that may be a person that you want to limit interaction with anyway.

Press, Camera, The Crowd, Journalist
Reduce your media intake

The media can be a necessity in order to stay up on current events and be able to determine what status our world is in; however, sometimes the media can exaggerate everything going on. We become sitting ducks taking the information in, when much of it is quite distorted to attract ratings. Limit the amount of news you are watching; it will help decrease your stress. Even if you only limit it to 20-30 per day you may find yourself feeling better. 

Get into nature

Being outside helps you feel that there is more than just you in your world, you are reminded there is something bigger. The fresh air and your surroundings will open your mind, calm you, and reduce stress as nature actually reduces the production of our stress hormones.

Dumbbells, Training, Fitness, Gym, Workout, Exercise

Exercise is a wonderful way to reduce stress or anxiety. Whether it’s swimming, walking, aerobics… get moving because exercise does boost your feel-good endorphins, so it helps you physically and mentally. Sometimes the focus on a single thing, like exercise, allows our minds to slow down and overcome the many directions that our mind would normally go in.

Bath Oil, Oil, Lavender, Fragrant Oil

Aromatherapy can be a great way to change your mood and can also provide a calming feeling. One of my go to essential oils is lavender. Get that Lavender essential oil out and enjoy the calmness that you will feel.

Seek professional help

Don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Anxiety and stress are normal; however, this year has been unique with new dynamics that no one has ever experienced before. Professional help gives you a way to vent to a non-bias individual who isn’t going to judge you.  Depending on your situation, therapy can be extremely useful and replenishing for you.

Relax, Alone, Meditate, Person, Young

Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting Indian style on a rug with candles around you. There are so many ways to meditate, even just sitting still and being mindful of your feelings is a way of meditating. Check in with yourself… make sure you are really taking note of how YOU feel- be aware. Sometimes we displace our feelings so don’t forget to be honest with yourself.

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2 thoughts on “What Is the Best Way to Manage Stress?

  1. Everything is so true. I seem to keep myself extra busy to relieve my stress. I know that sounds stressful to many, but to me it is my stress reliever. Of course I want to be busy in the way I choose. So there is a difference between given choices and the ones you seek personally
    Lots of good points!!!!.

    1. Very true! Sometimes it takes looking at a situation by taking a step back to see and understand what the best ways are to deal with things. It’s different for everyone!

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