I am a mother of 3 amazing kids and a wife of an amazing husband. I have gone through divorce and have gotten remarried which in turn made these 3 amazing kids, my stepchildren.

As most other people, I have had countless good and bad experiences as well as some trauma that has given me even more experience on how to cope through my daily life. I have a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in psychology which have led me to working remotely from home for 10 years.

During my life I have fallen in and out of jobs, moved from state to state and house to house, been in debt and paid debt off, and have encountered times where I felt the world was crashing down. Come to find out- when one door closes, a window opens– so my grandmother always said.

While I now know I have more than I have ever wanted and am blessed, I still felt like something was missing. I created this site, to be able to give what I know to other people and focus on my passion of helping others. That is my hope for this site… I hope I can impact, guide you, or give you self care suggestions that in some way will make your life better and let you know that everything really does happen for a reason!